Alexander Orlandis
Executive Coach
We, at Alexander Orlandis & Co, are a team of Executive Coaches following the coaching methodology developed by Alexander Orlandis.
A Message From Our Founder
“Every problem has a solution…Impress me!”
It’s Wednesday 10 May 2000, and I’m sitting in the London office of the prestigious law firm that I have been working for, for over two years now. I recently returned from an exciting year in the Frankfurt office where I worked closely with the partner in charge to launch IPOs on the trending Neuer Markt segment of the Frankfurt stock exchange. Back in the London office, the fast pace I was used to had slowed to a crawl. I found myself looking for the next challenge that would put me on track for partnership. I jumped on any project that would mean taking on more responsibility. That’s how I landed on a project that would change my career path forever.
A foreign bank was closing its London office and transferring all its liabilities to a sister entity. My job was to draft the hundred or so documents that would allow all the liabilities to flow smoothly from one entity to another. Each transaction had some quirk or other that caught my attention… except for one. This was a plain and simple transaction. I drafted the relevant documents in minutes and set them aside whilst I focused on the more tricky details of the others. A few month’s later, I am in a prestigious conference room with my partner in charge. Hundreds of bound documents lie neatly piled along the long, polished wooden table. The senior partner makes polite conversation with the bank’s executives and then signals me to begin the signing ceremony. I guide each person across the mass of documents, indicating the places each one must sign. All is going well, when disaster strikes… I am missing a signatory!
I step outside to make a frantic phone call, hoping desperately that I can get the relevant officer to turn up. No one can come. The signing ceremony ends and I am missing one crucial signature. Shakily, I pull myself together and confess this error to the partner in charge.
For the next few hours, the world around me explodes. Over 100 million Euros are suddenly in default. The bank calls, looking for blood. The partners pull out their insurance policy to see if it will cover the damages. Lawyers far above my pay-grade argue back and forth about healing the breach. No legal solution presents itself. With every moment that passes my heart sinks further. I don’t think things can get any worse. Then they do.
I get the call from John, the partner in charge. I am to come to his office immediately. This can only mean one thing: I am about to get fired.
I walk into John’s office. He asks me to close the door. He never closes his door. I try to control my breathing as I wait for the hammer to fall. It never does. After a long silence, John starts talking. He reminds me why I am working there. He reminds me of all the candidates I competed against to get one of the coveted slots in my intake. Despite all that has happened, he still seems to believe in me. Stranger still, he is looking at me with a gentle expression. He reminds me of my grandfather when he says: “You made a stupid mistake, but that does not mean you’re stupid. Every problem has a solution. This one is no exception. I need you to stay calm. I need you to focus. I need you to find a legal way to fix this thing. Put everything else on hold. Imagine this is your intake interview and you’ve been presented with this problem. Impress me! I know you can do it.” With that, I get dismissed.
Something in me changed during that conversation. The fear and shame were still there, but muted and in the background. Instead I felt a burning desire to live up to John’s expectation. I wrack my mind for hours, looking at the problem from every angle. Anytime I am tempted to give up, I hear John’s voice saying “Every problem has a solution… Impress me!” Then I fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up and take stock. I lie in bed and imagine being at my interview all over again. John is there. He calmly lays out the facts of a case study. This is just another test, a normal part of the interview process. He looks at me and says… “What would you do?” To my amazement, the answer comes. I know how to fix this!
I rush into the office with a smile. I walk straight into John’s office and tell him what I found. John smiles and calls the client. They are still enraged. Somehow they agree to meet. John is calm and composed all the way to the bank. He brings no notes, no documents, no precedents. He walks into the room calmly and lets them attack. Then John starts to speak … and magic happens. Within minutes, the client is calm. He paints them a picture of the future, the breach now healed. Their attention is rapt. He offers a light-hearted joke… and, as everyone laughs, the tension dissolves from the room. Before we leave, the client actually thanks John for getting them out of this mess.
I am stunned!
On our cab ride home, John intently grills me with questions about the last 24 hours. I don’t know how he does it, but by the time we arrive at our offices, I know things that I could never have learned from a book:
- Relationships matter. A lot. Probably more than you think.
- Crafting relationships, growing emotional intelligence and nurturing trusts can be taught, learned and excelled in regardless of your starting point or ease with it. You don’t have to be a “natural people person” – everyone can learn to access their own wellspring of charisma.
- Change is always possible, and it can be an absolutely delightful experience rather than a painful journey.
- Some mistakes can be as overwhelming as the ever-increasing pace of change in the world. Humans weren’t made for this sort of thing! And yet, with the right kind of leadership, we can to learn how to thrive even in volatile environments like these.
- Every problem has a solution. The tougher the problem, the more unexpected the solution will be.
- The right question, asked at the right time, can perform miracles.
These lessons have always stayed with me. They eventually drove me to explore a new path as an Executive Coach. I have been working as an executive coach for over 20 years now. I have faithfully passed on John’s lessons as I have helped leaders develop powerful leadership skills, grow their emotional intelligence and innovate in their field.
My practice has allowed me to assist senior executives to better navigate the complex corporate seas with confidence and clarity of purpose.
I saw those leaders develop a decisiveness that comes from a special kind of insight into their marketplace.
It is a point of personal pride that, in all this time, I have worked by referral only.
Coaching is a very personal business that requires mutual trust and a ROI that justifies the investment. Nothing is more personal than a recommendation from someone you trust.
I strive to live up to and exceed the expectations created by such recommendations with each client I take on.
After celebrating my 20-year anniversary in the coaching field, I realized that it was time to pass on what I had learned.
I co-founded the Coach School to teach my unique coaching style to a new generation of coaches in the hope that this unique way of generating insights that John gave me might stay with the world long time after I’m gone.
To your success,
Alexander Orlandis
Executive Coaching
Coaching is a special questions-based method that facilitates both personal and professional learning and growth. Executive Coaching centres around a unique type of conversation that stimulates potentials in the executive to improve motivation, performance and growth. Unlike mentoring, consulting or training, this is a purely educational process rooted in the dialectic method, a method that has sharpened the insight of the finest leaders and thinkers for over 2,000 years.
At Alexander Orlandis & Co, we have a unique three pronged approach to Executive Coaching.
Firstly, we employ a sophisticated type of dialectic question to stimulate your thinking, challenge your perspectives and sharpen your cognitive processes. This directly translates into improvements in all aspects of your day to day tasks as an executive. After each coaching conversation you will see an immediate improvement in whatever area you have focused on during your coaching conversation: from decision making, to client negotiations to leadership.
You will now have the groundwork in place for cultivating a reliable Executive Intuition and Insight. Executives move through an ever more complex world. To lead in your field, and develop an industry disrupting innovation, requires that you see beyond the old paradigms. You need to stay ahead of current trends by envisioning the world of tomorrow before anyone else can. To do this, you have to see through to the essence of a person, situation or market in a way that others cannot. This is the domain of Executive Intuition and Insight. We use dialectic models that focus on helping you to develop the kind of intuition and insight that will have others marveling at your ability to make sound decisions in a fast moving landscape and lead your teams through uncharted waters with success.
Finally, we make sure that the human component is not lost during the coaching process. As an executive you will have proven your sharp intellect many times over throughout your career. However an unbalanced development of the intellect can take a heavy toll on any executive. This manifests in a number of ways, from issues around work/life balance to motivational burnout. These issues have derailed many a promising career. The simple solution to this problem is to cultivate what award winning psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has called the “Flow State.” Flow is a unique state of mind in which motivation is replenished, the mind is calmed and work becomes meaningful and enjoyable. One of the key ingredients that ground the intellect and foster the Flow State, is the practice of Mindfulness. When you apply mindfulness to an intellectual process like high level problem solving, great things happen. Problems become easier to solve, the act of solving them is enjoyable, your mind is replenished (rather than exhausted) by what you are doing, your mind has easy access to innovation and creativity on demand. Beyond all this, you also develop the capacity for wholistic thinking. This is the kind of strategic problem solving that takes the long view, both in terms of time and in terms of impact. It allows you to make a meaningful and positive impact on your own career, your organization’s growth and the world at large all at the same time.
Small Team Skills Development
Executive Coaching is a highly personalized approach that develops the individual. Sometimes a team needs additional skills in order to cohesively take action towards a group vision. At Alexander Orlandis we have access to a wide range of training service providers so that we can design bespoke courses to meet any team’s needs. Topics that we have assisted clients on include:

Emotional Intelligence
- Discovering Hidden Talents
- Mentoring Team Members
- Empowering Employees
- Creating Challenging Opportunities
Influential Conversations
- Building Rapport
- Asking Sensitive Questions
- Discovering Motivations
- Empowering Action
Public Speaking
- Engaging An Audience
- Creating Mass Movements
- Making Memorable Presentations
- Freeing Yourself From Notes
Sales Conversations
- Impactful Client Interviews
- Discovering Needs and Wants
- Crafting A Persuasive Sales Presentation
- Delivering An Irresistible Sales Presentation
- Discovering True Motives
- Navigating Disagreements
- Eliminating Conflicts
- Streamlining Logistics
© 2022 Alexander Orlandis LLC
Address: 30 N. Gould St. Suite R Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
Contact Us
At Alexander Orlandis we are proud to work by referral only. If one of our previous clients has referred you to us, we would be delighted to talk with you about the challenges you are looking to master. Please be sure to let us know who it is that recommended us to you when you contact us. We recognize that in making such a recommendation, our past clients have put their own reputations on the line. We take this responsibility seriously and always want to make sure that we meet the expectations of both our active clients and those alumni that that introduce us to a trusted colleague.